Innholdsfortegnelse AGARICA vol. 44
Mathias Andreasen, Roger Andersson, Gernot Friebes, Katrin Gilbert,
Edvin Johannesen, Karl Soler Kinnerbäck, Patrik Mlčoch, Hermann
Voglmayr, Bjørn Wergen, Björn Nordén. Thirty pyrenomycetoid Ascomycota
species new to Norway from a workshop in Horten, May 2-5, 2023.
Johannesen EW, Vetlesen P. New and rare myxomycetes (Mycetozoa,
Myxogastria) in Norway – Part 2.
Per Vetlesen. Myxomycetes on bark of larch in Hedmarken, Norway. Which
species live there and where on the lower part of the stem do they thrive best?
Rakel Blaalid, Nina E. M. Hansen, Håkon Holien. First reports of the
coprophilic fungal communities in central Norway, based on moist chamber
induced sporulation and DNA barcoding.
Per Fadnes. Geoglossum hakelieri Nitare, first discovery in Norway in 30